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Biden’s age and fitness top the list of voters’ concerns, poll finds



Biden’s age and fitness top the list of voters’ concerns, poll finds

Three-quarters of voters, including half of Democrats, say they have concerns about President Joe Biden’s mental and physical health, according to the latest national NBC News poll.

That compares with 61% of voters who have concerns about former President Donald Trump’s multiple felony charges and less than half of voters who have concerns about his mental and physical health.

“I think that [Biden’s] health and age kind of get in the way of his ability to be a good president of the United States,” said a female Democratic poll respondent from Wisconsin, who said she voted for Biden in 2020. She declined to share her name.

The findings are essentially unchanged from September, when the NBC News poll first asked about those concerns — and when more voters said they had concerns about Biden’s age (now 81) than those with concerns about Trump’s legal challenges. Trump is 77 years old.

On the question of whether Trump had the necessary mental and physical health to be president for a second term, 48% said they had concerns.

“Four more months of attention to Trump’s legal issues have not budged these numbers, with more focus on President Biden’s mental and physical health,” said Republican pollster Bill McInturff, who conducted the survey with Democratic pollster Jeff Horwitt.

In the new poll, a combined 76% of voters say they have major concerns (62%) or moderate concerns (14%) about Biden’s not having the necessary mental and physical health to be president for a second term, compared with 24% who have either minor concerns (13%) or no concerns at all (11%).

By party, 95% of Republican voters, 81% of independents and 54% of Democrats say they have major or moderate concerns about Biden’s fitness for a second term.

By comparison, a combined 61% of all voters say they have major concerns (51%) or moderate concerns (10%) about Trump’s facing multiple criminal and civil trials over allegations of wrongdoing, including felony charges of attempting to overturn the 2020 election. Thirty-nine percent say they have either minor concerns (11%) or no concerns at all (28%).

On that question, 95% of Democrats, 65% of independents and 27% of Republicans say they have major or moderate concerns about Trump’s felony charges and legal challenges.

Horwitt, the Democratic pollster, said that because more Democrats have concerns about Biden’s age than Republicans have concerns about Trump’s legal challenges, the worries about Biden don’t appear to be driving vote choice to the same degree as worries about Trump.

“Yes, voters are more concerned about Biden’s age than Trump’s trials,” Horwitt said. “But Biden is still getting 17% among voters who have major concerns about his age, while just 10% of voters who have major concerns about Trump’s trials are voting for him.”

In addition, the NBC News poll found a combined 59% of voters who have concerns about Biden’s possible awareness of or involvement in the business dealings of his son Hunter Biden.

The NBC News poll of 1,000 registered voters — 867 contacted via cellphone — was conducted Jan. 26-30 and has an overall margin of error of plus-minus 3.1 percentage points.

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