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US FDA Recalls 28 Sodas And Juices Over Harmful Chemicals



US FDA Recalls 28 Sodas And Juices Over Harmful Chemicals

Most of these drinks and beverages contain chemicals that have undeclared sulfites and preservatives that cause skin reactions and digestive issues

The US FDA has recalled 28 beverages so far this year citing the presence of harmful chemicals in them, according to news reports. Reports say four of the drinks were recalled because they were packed with drugs, bacteria, or harmful chemicals that the company had not disclosed.

The recalled drinks include a Himalayan pain relief tea, which the health body says did not disclose an anti-inflammatory medication ingredient on its label.

Another beverage on the list is Martinelli’s Apple juice, which was recalled because of the presence of high amounts of arsenic – a toxic metal that can increase the risk of bladder and skin cancer. The report also said around 1.9 million bottles of Fiji Water – made by Natural Waters of Viti Limited were recalled after three types of bacteria were found in addition to manganese, which in high amounts can lead to brain damage.

Many of these drinks are also mixed with food dyes which are linked to cancer risk. The dyes not disclosed by the company as an ingredient, include Red40 and Yellow 5, which the doctors say have benzidine carcinogenic to both humans and animals.

How harmful are the chemicals?

According to experts, drinks and beverages contain chemicals, most of which have undeclared sulfites and preservatives that cause:

  • Allergic skin reactions
  • Digestive issues
  • Asthma in people with sulfite sensitivity
  • Cancers of the lung, digestive tract, liver, kidney, lymphatic system

A few other side effects of chemical-laden beverages include:

Weight gain

Most of these beverages are also packed with added sugar – sucrose or table sugar, which supplies large amounts of the simple sugar fructose. According to experts, fructose does not lower the hunger hormone ghrelin or stimulate fullness in the same way as glucose. Studies show that people who drink sugar-sweetened beverages consistently gain more weight than people who do not.

Increases chances of fatty liver

High amounts of corn syrup in these drinks metabolize in your body affecting your liver and turning the fructose into fat.

Increases belly fat

High sugar intake is also associated with weight gain, and fructose leads to a significant increase in the dangerous fat around your belly and organs.

Causes insulin resistance

According to experts, insulin drives glucose from your bloodstream into your cells. And so, when you drink sugary sodas, your cells become less sensitive or resistant to the effects of insulin. When that happens, your pancreas must make even more insulin to remove the glucose from your bloodstream – so insulin levels in your blood spike, causing insulin resistance.

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