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The Rise of Tech Nationalism and Its Global Impact



The Rise of Tech Nationalism and Its Global Impact

The United States and China are the primary actors in the global tech nationalism arena. Both nations have implemented strategies aimed at achieving technological supremacy. In the U.S., this has manifested through initiatives like the CHIPS Act, which seeks to boost domestic semiconductor manufacturing and reduce reliance on Chinese imports. The U.S. government has also imposed restrictions on Chinese tech companies, citing national security concerns.

On the other hand, China’s Tech Nationalism strategy is encapsulated in its “Made in China 2025” plan, which aims to reduce dependency on foreign technology by fostering domestic innovation in key sectors such as AI, 5G, and semiconductors. China’s Belt and Road Initiative also plays a significant role in exporting Chinese technology standards and infrastructure to other parts of the world, thereby extending its influence over the Global Flow of Technology.

The Global Impact of this tech rivalry is significant, as it forces other nations to align with either the U.S. or China or develop their own technological capabilities to avoid being caught in the crossfire. This has led to a more polarized global tech environment, where collaboration across borders is increasingly challenging.

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