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Report Shows U.S. Solar Jobs Surge in 2023, Setting Industry Milestones – ESG News



Report Shows U.S. Solar Jobs Surge in 2023, Setting Industry Milestones – ESG News

  • 279,447 solar jobs nationwide in 2023, marking a 5.9% increase from 2022.
  • Union representation in the solar workforce grew by 3%, now at 13.4%.
  • Utility-scale solar rebounded, adding 1,888 jobs, a 6.8% increase from 2022 losses.

The 2023 National Solar Jobs Census, published by the Interstate Renewable Energy Council (IREC), reveals a notable increase in solar jobs across the U.S. The report shows 279,447 workers are employed in the solar industry—a 5.9% growth from 2022, with 15,564 jobs added.

George Hershman, CEO of SOLV Energy, emphasizes the industry’s critical role: “The clean energy transition is being led by tens of thousands of Americans who install, maintain, design, and oversee solar and storage systems.

Utility-Scale Rebound

After a decline in 2022, the utility-scale solar market saw a resurgence, adding 1,888 jobs, a 6.8% increase. The residential sector also experienced growth, adding 5,945 jobs—though at a slower pace than in 2022.

Union Growth

Unionized labor in the solar sector expanded, reaching 13.4% of the workforce, surpassing the representation in both the private sector and overall U.S. workforce.

Workforce Challenges & DEIA

Despite the job growth, 29% of firms reported difficulty finding qualified workers. The report also highlights efforts in Diversity, Equity, Inclusion, and Accessibility (DEIA), where progress has been made but challenges remain.

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Eric Paul, Vice President of Partner Development at Nautilus Solar Energy, shares, “For more than a decade, the American solar industry has been creating new jobs… Nautilus Solar Energy is committed to being part of this transition by hiring locally and developing community solar projects.

For further insights into workforce trends, training programs, and DEIA strategies, read the full National Solar Jobs Census here.

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