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Leo Monthly Horoscope



Leo Monthly Horoscope

MONTH OF October

Fall reset, anyone? October is set to be a dynamic month, Leo, full of surprising shifts and cosmic recalibration. The month kicks off with a solar eclipse in Libra on October 2, the second in a two-part fall series that began on September 17. This supercharged new moon sparks fresh developments around communication, learning and your social circles, urging you to connect with others in new ways. Expect the unexpected—a conversation or collaboration could ignite a creative breakthrough or lead to an important project.

On October 9, Jupiter turns retrograde in Gemini, retreating through your eleventh house of friendships, group activities and long-term goals. With all of the slow-moving outer planets (Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune and Pluto) now retrograde, this is your cosmic cue to downshift and reassess. You may find that team projects or social plans hit a temporary lull, giving you the opportunity to rethink your strategy and reconnect with your true vision. Use this time to reflect on the bigger picture and adjust your approach to group dynamics and networking.

Adding to the cosmic shifts, Pluto ends its five-month retrograde on October 11, moving forward in Capricorn and your sixth house of work, health and organization. Pluto retrograde has been digging up issues around control, power dynamics and micromanagement, especially in your work life. Now with Pluto back in forward motion, you’ll finally feel more empowered in these areas, making way for transformation and growth. 

For most of the month, the Sun is shining in Libra and your third house of communication, ideas and learning, making this an especially social and mentally stimulating time. Until October 22, you’ll be in your vibrant Leo element, eager to soak up new information and collaborate on an idea that’s got you lit up. Whether you’re hosting voter phone banks, meeting up with friends or diving into a juicy celebrity memoir, Libra season invites you to fuel your social curiosity and stimulate your mind. It’s also a great time to explore local events. Don your finest fleece and head out for an apple-picking excursion before the season’s over! 

The October 2 Libra annular solar eclipse—known as the “ring of fire” for the bright outline of the Sun that remains as the moon occludes it—brings an electrifying burst of energy to your third house of communication, ideas and local happenings. This eclipse may spark sudden shifts in how you share your thoughts and engage with the world around you. An unexpected conversation could open up new pathways, or you might feel the urge to speak out on an issue that’s been simmering beneath the surface. Eclipses often bring surprises, so be ready to roll with whatever comes your way. Keep your devices charged because big news could come in out of the blue.

What makes this eclipse even more potent is the rare lineup of six cosmic placements in air signs—the Sun, moon, Mercury, Jupiter, the karmic south node and Lilith. This cerebral supercharge amplifies your mental clarity and persuasive powers, making it a prime time for brainstorming, networking and pitching ideas. Whether you’re writing a clever caption or speaking on a panel, people WILL take notice!

Adding intensity to this cosmic event is Black Moon Lilith, which aligns with the Sun and moon at the same degree during the eclipse. Black Moon Lilith represents the shadow side of your emotions, and her influence could bring hidden frustrations to the surface—especially if you’ve been holding back your truth. Have you been biting your tongue or suppressing your thoughts with friends and loved ones? This eclipse may stir up resentments you weren’t even aware of, pushing you to confront unresolved issues and advocate for yourself.

This eclipse also marks the final Libra installment in the Aries-Libra eclipse series that began in July 2023, pushing you to find the balance between individuality and collaboration. Over the next six months, as we move to the very end of this eclipse chapter in March 2025, you’ll continue working on how to assert your personal ideas while integrating the input of others. This is a pivotal moment for embracing your role in group dynamics and finding harmony between your own need to shine and being a team player who’s supporting the collective goals.

On October 9, Jupiter begins its four-month retrograde journey in Gemini, tapping the brakes on your eleventh house of friendships, group activities and technology. Since Jupiter entered this part of your chart on May 25, you’ve been expanding your social circles, getting involved in exciting group projects and dreaming big about your future. But now, with Jupiter retrograde until February 4, 2025, the universe is asking you to slow down and reassess. Reflect on your friendships and evaluate which connections truly support your growth. If a team project has lost its direction, use Jupiter retrograde to hit pause, refocus and make sure everyone is aligned with the same vision.

You may notice that social plans or a tech-driven project slow down during this period, but don’t let that discourage you. This retrograde is your chance to recalibrate and ensure that your social networks and aspirations are still aligned with your values. If there are friendships or group dynamics that feel off, this is the time to address them and clear any unresolved tension. 

On October 11, Pluto ends its five-month retrograde in Capricorn, moving forward in your sixth house of work, health and organization. Since March 2023, Pluto has been dancing between Aquarius and Capricorn, activating both your seventh house of relationships (Aquarius-ruled) and your (Capricorn-ruled) sixth house of work and routines. Pluto’s retrograde, which began on May 2, had Pluto moving between these two areas, revealing issues around control, power and transformation.

Since Pluto retrograded back into Capricorn on September 1, you may have experienced tension with coworkers or struggled with micromanagement, both at work and in your personal routines. Now that Pluto is moving forward, you’ll be able to transform how you approach work, health and time management.Time to return the margarita mix to the pantry and blow the dust off those kettlebells, Leo!

Even more significantly, Pluto is wrapping up its final run through Capricorn, ending a transformative 16-year journey right before Thanksgiving. Since 2008, Pluto has been in Capricorn, teaching you hard lessons about responsibility, discipline and balance in your work life and personal habits. As this cycle comes to a close on November 19, you’ll feel ready to implement the lessons you’ve learned and create healthier, more sustainable routines.

The Aries full supermoon on October 17 brings an illuminating burst of energy to your ninth house of expansion, travel and higher learning. Full moons mark the culmination of cycles, and this potent supermoon could signify the completion of a long-term goal or a major breakthrough in your personal development. 

For clues of what could happen, look back to the Aries new moon on April 8—a total solar eclipse that was visible across the United States. Have you been expanding your horizons, learning something new or working on a big visionary project? This supermoon could bring those efforts to a climax, pushing you to take a leap of faith. The energy is high, and you’ll feel motivated to break out of your comfort zone and pursue your wildest dreams. Whether it’s studying abroad, launching a new venture or taking a bold risk in your career, you’ve got the urge to forge into fresh terrain.

But it might not happen without a fight, Leo! A loose grand cardinal cross (four-way tug of war) involving the Sun, moon, aggressive Mars and shadowy Pluto intensifies the energy and may add a sense of stress or overwhelm into the mix. If you find yourself spiraling into analysis paralysis, reach out to a wise friend or mentor for perspective.

As the Sun moves into Scorpio on October 22, the focus shifts to your fourth house of home, family and emotional security. After the excitement of Libra season, Scorpio’s intense energy invites you to turn inward and boost your bonds with lots of nesting, resting and reflecting. You’ll feel drawn to spend more time at home, creating a cozy sanctuary where you can recharge and reconnect. Whether you’re tackling home improvement projects, hosting intimate gatherings or simply retreating into your personal space, Scorpio season lends comfort and depth to Chateau Leo.

On October 28, a harmonious Mars-Neptune trine brings a wave of creative inspiration and emotional healing as Mars in Cancer lights up your twelfth house of closure and spirituality, while Neptune in Pisces energizes your eighth house of intimacy and transformation. This trine creates a dreamy, intuitive flow, encouraging you to let go of old baggage and dive deep into emotional and spiritual work. If you’ve been feeling drained or weighed down by old fears, this trine offers a chance to release those burdens through meditation, journaling or connecting with a trusted confidante.

As Halloween arrives on October 31, a mystical Scorpio moon casts an otherworldly glow over your fourth house of home and family. This is the perfect time to clear out emotional cobwebs and let go of any lingering tensions in your home life. With the moon in its reflective balsamic phase, it’s all about releasing what no longer serves you—whether it’s an old grudge, unresolved family drama or physical clutter in your living space. Just because it’s spooky season doesn’t mean you have to live with skeletons and ghosts, Leo!

Whether you’re hosting a low-key Halloween gathering or having a quiet night in (porch light off, please!), this lunar energy invites you to connect with your deeper emotions and reflect on what makes you feel safe and secure. With a new moon arriving tomorrow, use this magical night to draft intentions for the month ahead.

Home is where the heat is for Leos in October! Look no further than your own cozy den if you’re location-scouting for cuffing season. With Venus simmering in Scorpio and your domestic sector until October 17, time in brings a huge swoon factor. Whether you’re cooking a gourmet dinner, tackling a renovation together or rekindling a spark with a ride-or-die connection (we’re not entirely sure what’s happening with on-and-off Leos Ben and J.Lo but we’re definitely seated), let your passionate and romantic side emerge, but try not to get sucked into the emotional drama of the past! 

A note about the past: Mars hovers in nostalgic Cancer and your nebulous twelfth house all month. Rather than RSVP-ing to a get together at your in-laws, you’ll prefer time behind closed (bedroom) doors. Be mindful about your personal boundary limitations within your relationship. Support the one(s) you love, but make sure you fill your own tanks too. Resentment can be a silent relationship killer if you let bottled-up emotions poison the well. 

Thankfully, you’ll be back to your fierce and flamboyant self on October 17 once Venus storms into fellow fire sign, Sagittarius. As the love planet stokes the embers of your insanely romantic fifth house (aka the Leo house), get your hands back on the wheel of your love life. Take command by picking up tickets to live shows, making dinner reservations or getting a glamorous weekend getaway on the calendar before the month is through. 

Looking for love? This Sabrina Carpenter lyrical cue applies: Who’s the cute boy with the white jacket and thick accent? You could find yourself in your very own version of Emily in Paris rubbing shoulders with a sexy foreigner. Now, that’s Amore! We know you’re a fixed sign Leo, but a breath of fresh air (especially in the romance department) could help open up your heart to grander visions of love and possibility!

Put your money where your mouth is, Leo, and start spreading the news! With the dynamic Sun in Libra and your communicative third house through October 22, your ideas are your currency. Got a big launch or special offering? An opportune moment arrives at the powerful October 2 Libra new moon and annular solar eclipse. The universe hands you the cosmic megaphone to get your voice out there—especially with connector Mercury playing a prominent role in this lunation.

Not only that, artistic Venus will form a harmonious trine to ambitious Mars on October 8, offering additional cosmic support to your passion projects and creativity. It’s time to debut that project or launch a long-awaited offering! Thinking about sharing your poetry or short story at a local open mic night? This is your chance to do so. One of your ideas could draw accolades, if not a fervent and devoted following—take a page out of Leo Pop Queen Charli XCX’s book who officially announced the release of her ‘brat’ remix album slated for October 11. 

Also on October 11, Pluto will finally resume its forward motion that day after a five-month retrograde through industrious Capricorn and your sixth house of work, organization and analytical thinking. Since May 2, Pluto might have unearthed lingering issues around control and micromanaging, resulting in ego struggles with your teammates, coworkers or service providers—more unhinged than mindful.

With Pluto moving forward, you’ll be more empowered to correct any imbalances. Where you may have once hesitated to embrace your personal power, the dwarf planet has been quietly influencing your subconscious through its retrograde, helping you strengthen the connection between your mind, body and spirit. You’ll be better able to manage people when you operate from a grounded place that prioritizes your needs and better recalibrate the scales (it is Libra season, after all!).

Now that you’ve got your relationship dynamics in order, you’ll be primed for a big partnership opportunity that could manifest at the October 17 Aries full supermoon! If you’ve been holding off on signing a contract or making a big decision, these moon rays could be the green light you’ve been waiting for. La luna shines its beams through your expansive ninth house, giving you an opportunity to come out of your shell and shine. The world is your oyster, Leo and you’re only just getting started. 

Love Days: 7, 12

Money Days: 18, 26

Luck Days: 16, 24

Off Days: 22, 10, 14

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