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PNG Jewelry Store Robbed in U.S.



PNG Jewelry Store Robbed in U.S.

This is the second Indian jewelry store robbery in two weeks. Two weeks ago, Bhindi Jewelers in Newark was hit in a similar fashion. These robbery gangs are targeting Indian jewelry stores in the U.S., and this trend is expected to increase as major Indian brands plan to open branches in the U.S.

On Wednesday afternoon at 1:27 p.m., a group of about 20 suspects ransacked PNG Jewelers in Sunnyvale.

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They smashed display cases with hammers and made off with an unknown amount of jewelry, according to police.

The suspects fled in multiple vehicles before the police arrived, but responding officers managed to spot two of the vehicles as they were fleeing.

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The officers stopped chasing one of the vehicles after losing sight of it. During the pursuit of the second vehicle, they saw the suspects throw stolen jewelry out of the moving car.

Four suspects were taken into custody near Industrial Road and Brittan Avenue in San Carlos. Some of the stolen jewelry was recovered, but the total value of the stolen items is still unknown.

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