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Sagittarius Horoscope for April 2024



Sagittarius Horoscope for April 2024

Your April 2024 Horoscope for Sagittarius

by Susan Miller

A total eclipse of the Sun in Aries is due to arrive on April 8, and you have probably already heard about it in the news because there is a big stir about this one. This total eclipse of the Sun will be clearly visible in the United States, which is rare—most eclipses are seen elsewhere.

This eclipse will appear in Aries, 19 degrees, in your fifth house of true love, specifically pointing to a person you are dating but not married to. This house often sparks love and covers romance and fun in its early stages before a serious commitment is made. Once you wed, your relationship moves to the seventh house, where solemn promises are made and a contract is signed. (In truth, the seventh house is basically a contractual house of important relationships overall and includes not only marriage but serious business alliances too, which are also made with a contract.)

If you are single, you may meet someone new—someone who deeply captures your imagination and who you will want to know better. This is a friendly eclipse, and as a new moon, it will open new doors for you. If you are dating seriously, you may gradually come to a decision about whether to continue the relationship as it is, go to the next step, or leave without regret. Eclipses push you forward and change timetables, so things you were going to do months or even two years down the road could easily happen now. They often bring big life events we long remember.

You will have a lot of energy in your fifth house of romance: the new moon solar eclipse, the Sun, Venus, and Mercury—four heavenly bodies in all. Mars, ruler of Aries and currently in your home and family sector, will take the lead at this eclipsed new moon. You may be deciding whether to move in with someone, or you could be discussing how to calm the waters if people in your family are not enthusiastic about your romantic relationship.

See Another Sign’s Monthly Horoscope:

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